Physiotherapy, Pregnancy and Pelvic Health


Pregnancy and Changes to the Pelvic Floor

As your body continues to change to support your growing baby, there is additional strain placed on the pelvic floor. If the pelvic floor muscles aren’t able to adapt to this increase in load, it can lead to symptoms like incontinence or discomfort. Since the weight increase is mostly in the front of the body, your posture will naturally change to feel more balanced. This can contribute to low back pain and changes in core and glute muscle activation. Seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist during pregnancy is a great way to help prevent and manage these symptoms that can arise.

How Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Helps in Pregnancy



Seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist before conceiving is a great opportunity to assess your baseline pelvic floor muscle function and address specific concerns you may have (like pain with intercourse). In addition, we know being physically active throughout your pregnancy is super important for both mom and baby’s health! Usually it’s not recommended to begin a brand new exercise program while pregnant so starting before conceiving is a great time to incorporate more exercise if it’s not currently part of your routine.


    • First Trimester

It is recommended to book your assessment after your first trimester (around 13 week’s gestation). This is beneficial to assess pelvic floor function and review any current symptoms. Depending on the client, pelvic floor strengthening or relaxation exercises may be provided.

    • Birth Prep

Starting around 32 week’s gestation, the emphasis is on preparation for labour and delivery. There’s a lot of information to cover so planning for 2-3 birth prep appointments before your due date is ideal.


After the baby arrives, we recommend waiting 6 weeks to ensure your body has had some time to heal and you have seen your family doctor for a postpartum follow up. If guidance is needed before 6 weeks postpartum, a virtual physio appointment is a great option! Timeline for follow ups will be discussed based on your stage of recovery and your goals! It can take time and gradual strengthening to return to a higher intensity of exercise like running.

For more information please contact the clinic at 778-819-6565 or email us at

Carmen Fung is Physiotherapist specializing in Pelvic Health,  Dry Needling/IMS and Clinical Pilates.

Click HERE to book an appointment with Carmen.



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